American Archipelago
I am so honored to be one of the eight writers invited to collaborate on the script for Pony World Theatre's upcoming show, American Archipelago. The list of writers is a dream team of Seattle playwriting talent: Kelleen C. Blanchard, Tré Calhoun, Vincent Delaney, Brendan Healy, Maggie Lee, Sara Porkalob, and Seayoung Yim.
The show is being directed by my day job compatriot Bobbin Ramsey, and the show stars Rebecca Goldberg, Kenna Kettrick, John Leith, Corinne Magin, Shermona Mitchell, Craig Peterson, Carter Rodriquez, and Bob Williams.
July 27 - August 12 at 12th Avenue Arts. (1620 12th Ave, Seattle)
Thursdays - Saturdays at 8:00pm
Plus PWYC Monday July 31 and Monday August 7
Tickets here